Service Project – Winter Semester 2023

March 22, 2023  •  Author: admin

In today’s society, it is simple to lose sight of the environment around us as we proceed with our daily lives. However, the Cumorah Academy students made the decision to take matters into their own hands and improve their community. In order to make the forest clean and ready for new trees to be planted, they started a service project there that consisted of removing old branches off the ground and burning them.

Beginning of the Service Project

Early in the morning, the group of students made their way to the woodland, eager to face the task that lays ahead. Gloves, shovels, and other tools they would need to finish the job had been brought by them. As soon as they arrived, they organized themselves and started working.

The young ones put in a lot of effort to remove old branches that had fallen from the trees over time from the forest floor. The woodland was cleaned up and possible forest fires that could have disastrous effects were avoided by piling the branches together and burning them. The clever way the group organized themselves into lines made the whole thing systematic and effective.

Helping the Community

The students worked for a few hours, only stopping when necessary. Our students remained excited and had fun during the entire process despite the physical effort. They had a wonderful chance to get to know one another and cooperate toward a similar goal.

The service project had substantial advantages for the community as well as the environment. While gathering branches from the ground, it was also very beneficial for the students to have fun and get to know one another better. They created a bond with one another, engaged in some physical activity, got the opportunity to exercise leadership, explored a new location, and connected with nature.

Beyond only the short-term advantages of clearing the forest, the project’s effects were far-reaching. The students gained useful life skills, including cooperation, leadership, and the significance of volunteering in their communities. It was a great chance for the youngsters to change the world and have a positive influence on their neighborhood.


In conclusion, the service project that the students of Cumorah Academy carried out in the forest was a huge success. Their perseverance, passion, and creative method of self-organization made the procedure productive and efficient. Along with having fun, they also showed tremendous leadership qualities and a desire to improve the community in which they live. The community was appreciative of their efforts because it was a wonderful initiative that provided a good model for others to follow.