Graduation Spring 2022

September 6, 2022  •  Author: admin

     We celebrated the end of spring semester with an incredible graduation. It was great to recognize each student and their successes. Everyone had achieved goals and gained new skills to use for the rest of their lives. There were many impactful lessons learned and taught while at Cumorah Academy. The graduation ceremony was such a joyful occasion filled with fun memories and reminiscing. It was a great time to reflect on the life-changing events and experiences from the past few months.

     There were many awards given to students who had completed classes and projects. Each student was able to learn more about business, new life skills, leadership skills, how to achieve your goals, and learn a new language! These are amazing skills and are applicable in all situations of life. There was also a great engagement of spiritualness and students were able to attend institute classes to learn more and discuss. These students are all so talented and truly grew spiritually and mentally while at Cumorah Academy. It was such a blessing to see this take place and see how eager everyone is after learning and growing at Cumorah Academy!

“The graduation was more than a ceremony it was a celebration of friendships, knowledge, and progression. As names were read and awards presented smiles beamed. I dried my eyes because lives had been changed.” – TK Plant

Receiving the certificates!