Mission Vision
& History

Our Mission

Cumorah Academy's Mission is to assist individuals in their desire to follow Jesus Christ and positively impact their lives, careers, homes & communities.

To accomplish this we:

Gather faithful disciples of Jesus Christ and like-minded individuals

Empower them with the Knowledge, Skills & Attributes that result in lasting happiness

Prepare them to be leaders in their families, the Church, their professions & their communities

How it Started

In 1969, the parents of our founder Patrick Sedivy defected from communist Czechoslovakia in search of religious freedom. Eventually, they settled in Canada, where he was born. 19 years later, Patrick returned to the Czech Republic as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There he fell in love with his homeland.

After Patrick was married with 3 children, he and his wife Allyse returned to the Czech Republic for 2.5 years. While their children attended local Czech schools, he observed the needs of many young people in the country. One day in 2005, Allyse and Patrick both had a spiritual prompting to start a school in the Czech Republic. They knew that the school's purpose needed to be to strengthen the young adults in Europe. They knew that the school needed to be in English in order to improve their professional and personal opportunities. Patrick and Allyse felt that the school needed to provide young adults with the opportunity to gather, connect and network with each other.

Since that time, the two of them have worked to build the financial resources, gain the experience necessary and to plan for and prepare the school. They are passionate about education and particularly about empowering the rising generation to make a positive difference in the world.

Today, Cumorah Academy operates as a non-profit private school with a small campus in the heart of Europe. As a school, we are on a mission to assist individuals in their desire to follow Jesus Christ and positively impact their lives, careers, homes & communities. To accomplish this we 1) Gather faithful disciples of Jesus Christ and like-minded individuals, 2) Empower them with the Knowledge, Skills & Attributes that result in lasting happiness, and 3) Prepare them to be leaders in their families, the Church, their professions & their communities.

Our students generally attend for one, high impact semester, where they learn key Leadership and Personal Development skills. They become lifelong learners and skill seekers. While on campus, students interact closely with powerful mentors who help guide them. Cumorah Academy is not designed to replace traditional educational institutions, but rather, to supplement such education and to serve as a springboard, for our students, to a happy and successful life in all its facets.

Founders Patrick and Allyse Sedivy believe that the skills, abilities and leadership of the rising generation are key to solving the problems that our world faces today. We need young adults who have a strong spiritual foundation with great values, who are equipped with the knowledge, skills and attributes to make a difference.

They wrote about us