+ Business & Entrepreneurship

Supervisors: Patrick Sedivy

Program Description

This program introduces students to the various elements involved in planning, starting and operating a business. 

Students will need to prepare a well-written business plan, validate the assumptions and key pieces of information included in the business plan and present the plan to a group of judges and peers.They will also gain actual practical experience in selling, which is an important aspect of business. They will work in a team which will give them many opportunities to practice and show the leadership and soft skills they have acquired through the Leadership & Personal Development. 

Students will also have multiple opportunities to present in front of the course group, giving them the chance to apply and practice the skills they have learned in the Public Speaking course as well as the skills they learned in other aspects of the Cumorah Academy experience into their work in this Business & Entrepreneurship Program.

Program Objectives

As a result of this course students will be able to:

  • Regularly come up with potential new business ideas
  • Prepare a well-written business plan
  • Verify and validate assumptions and key information included in the business plan
  • Pivot when necessary
  • Confidently present in front of a group
  • Communicate more clearly in English (If English is not their first language)
  • Sell a product or service
  • Prepare a Marketing & Sales Strategy
  • Research Business Plan Competitions that provide prizes for the winners
  • Work in a team for a sustained period of time
  • Be held accountable to their assignments and projects
  • Maintain a healthy, effective and productive Mentorship relationship that moves them toward achieving their goals
  • Receive valuable feedback that will help them improve
  • Network with potential mentors and seek their feedback, advice and guidance

Course Requirements

Performance in the Business Program will be assessed upon the completion and effort put forth in the tasks listed below as well as tasks given throughout the class:

  • Meet weekly with the Business Intern Individually to review progress and understanding of key concepts covered that week and to report on any assignments given.
  • Meet weekly with the Business Intern as an Entire Team to review progress with elements of the student’s Business Plan that have been covered in class up to that point.
  • Complete a “Problem Journal” with a target of 50 entries and a minimum of 40 entries. Prepare a written Marketing Strategy with a team. 
  • Present the Marketing Strategy to the rest of the class and your instructors. 
  • Prepare a complete written Business Plan with your team. 

Present the Business Plan to the rest of the class and your instructors.